Nov 6, 2008

Paste Magazine

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Paste Artist Discovery Series

12 Albums

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Paste DVD Sampler

4 DVD Samplers

Paste acclaimed DVD sampler, with hours of music videos and short films, is back. (One every quarter)

Paste Digital Edition Magazine

11 Digital Editions

Every month, get all of Paste (plus some extras) in digital format*. (Dec/Jan combined)

Digital Paste Sampler

11 Digital Samplers

Download the Paste CD Sampler for loading into iTunes or the player of your choice.

Early Access To The Latest Issue

Early Access

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Early Access To The Paste Sampler

Early Access

Get exclusive early-access to your digital Paste Sampler, weeks before it hits newsstands.

Digital Access To Back Issues

Digital Back Issues*

Only Digital VIP members will get access to the entire digital history of Paste magazine.

Free MP3s

52 exclusive MP3s

A new DRM-free MP3 download every week, recorded live in the Paste studio.

Paste Exclusive VIP T-shirt

An Exclusive Paste T-Shirt

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$10 Magazine Subscriptions

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Questions? Check the Paste Digital VIP FAQ for answers.
VIP Subscription Costs
Check out PASTE
This is a Great deal at a great magazine.
Thier music promotion is fantastic.
I subscribe you should too.

Nov 5, 2008

Phew !!! Obama is the MAN.....

what a relief!
Obama's JOB NOW

his first hundred days should be.... In My Humble Opinion
  • date to be out of IRAQ
  • stop all foreclosures and adjust mortgages to keep families in homes
  • prosecute wall street executives for fraud
  • stop drug advertising and have Medicaid bid out for lowest price on drugs including from Canada
  • line item veto for all earmarks till USA has a surplus again
  • reduce military spending 10% per year for 5 years
  • National service for education payment
  • National infrastructure improvement
  • energy policy to reduce oil use
  • add to list and send back

My LibraryThing

My library of books I have read and a image of all the Authors.
Michael Crichton passed away today. He was a great story teller. [Jurassic Park series etc]
I read all or most of his books. I will miss his ability to predict future possibilities and write a great book.

International Medical Procedures Price List

Common Sense Medical Treatment.

If you are sick,some companies are willing to pay you your salary to travel to another country for a medical procedure,pay for your travel and pay for a vacation to recover, and still save money. Whats wrong with that picture?

My Pandora Radio list of Stations

My Convoluted Pandora Radio list of Stations I listen to and I subscribe to..makes for continuous easy listening.
[click on image to see exploded view]