Aug 4, 2007

Fore-Sight Helps

BearSkee[Me] is White.

This was a 4 minute game, meaning each player has 4 minutes to CheckMate his opponent or lose by time expiration.
Total 8 minute game which is normally plenty of time to play a 40 move game, or 10 moves per minute, i.e. move every 6 seconds.

So hitting the I> arrow moves the pieces that were played.
Position after 6 moves shows that we both have finshed setting up the Opening.
Both sides look well protected, and ready to do battle.

Move 12 Guest HVTZ makes critical error[ it only takes one in a chess game] gives away the Knight h5....

After trading material for awhile...
Move 20 Bishop takes pawn looks like a dicey/gutsy move...
This is were I saw the Mate Combo!!!
Knight /Bishop/Queen trapping the King.
Game Over Move 27.

Ya the Knight giveaway threw the game, but to see the Mate Combo 7 moves before completion and do it effiecently.

An enjoyable game for me to win.

chess Game I played 8/1/2007

created by chess publisher