Dec 26, 2006

Obama and Colbert in '08

Dec 21, 2006 at 7:04 PM

What a team that would make huh?
Would be like the current team in office.
A front man to stay on script, "Stay the Course"
" Move Forward" into the past, or is that 'Nam.
And Steve to drive the ship into the sunset, while giving us a daily snippet "THE WORD"
We all will be on the deck of the Titanic, laughing our asses off.
Only this time the voyage will be different.
Why no Deja Vu .
I'm sure you don't know that Bush's War on Ice is a grand success! Didn't know it?
All those Katie news types just want to stir the negative pot.
Good News that doesn't blow up in your face just isn't gonna make it to the 6:00 spread.
No way No how...

What's ur opinion of Obama and Colbert '08

A Democrat w/ a Republican gonna fly?
We could do worse....
