Nov 30, 2007

November 2007 Ramblings & TidBits

AARP Jan 08

digital TV jan 09
converter $40
couponcode;booksave40- 40% off

Medical records

carotenoids; brain foods, spinach,watermelon,tomatoes

HDL good high
LDL bad , want low
for choresterol count

Olive Oil=> phenols
1st pressing extra virgin-unrefined


Americans throw out 25% of all produce bought!

11% approval of Congress
18% " " President

Chris Trapper => folk artist mp3
seen on FoX25 11/29

Rip better CD's =>use LAME
win/ Exact Audio Copy -software free

Wired Nov 2007 Ripped!

on-line music

To Google;

Every Fresh Green Bag 800-822-8141

Lady Smith Black Mambazo => mp3 africa

Andrew Zuckerman => photographer [animals]

Helen Thomas 87 UPI reporter

words to use

proprioception- know where your body is in space-moment to moment

umami-5th taste

Bacn- spam you ask for [forums/newsletters/time wasters

scalpted ideas

Regret- conterfactual thinking
what if the more choices, the greater the likelihood of being dissatisfied...

Google Governoment= Fed Funding + Accounting + Transperanct Act
Pass or Fail
Bill to allow public to use search engine to trace gov. spending



U Don't Know Jack

Nov 18, 2007

Whipsawed by stimuli!

With all the info coming at us 24/7, "We are processing information at
400 times the rate of our Renaissance ancestors," she says. This is a
new human task that we haven't had time to adapt to yet -- physically
or mentally.

That's why we're getting tech-related health problems, like carpal
tunnel, and maybe even mental and neurological problems like
attention-deficit disorder. Naturally our attention is fraying -- we
are whipsawed by stimuli!

Moreover, with that 400 times more information did not come
400 more hours in a day. So we steal that time from sleep, both
deliberately (by working late into the night) and not (by being too
wound up to drift off). Hence another big trend: The burgeoning sleep
industry, with new pills, pillows and, in the big hotels, even "sleep
concierges" all trying to help us get the ZZZs we need.

Another byproduct of trying to pack too much into the day is the
erosion of dinnertime. This, of course, is nothing new. In the '60s
dinner was (supposedly) 45 minutes long. By the '90s it had shrunk to
15 minutes. But as Swanson's investigators traveled the country,
dropping in on real families, they found that the sit-down dinner had
evaporated almost entirely. "It is now basically five minutes," says
Swanson. "And it's not even sitting down."

Families (or chunks of them) eat standing up around the kitchen
counter. When parents are unavailable, kids prepare themselves
"latchkey dinners." Long, slow braising is not key.

What will be key in the coming decade, says Swanson,
is a new focus on science (as opposed to just technology). In an echo
of John F. Kennedy's call to reach the moon, our country will challenge
itself again, this time to save the planet. But first ... we have to

Sleep-deprived, anxious and strung-out on Easy Mac, we will use the
next 10 years to replenish, Swanson says. We'll do this through yoga,
face time (as opposed to Facebook), slow food, more sleep and
daydreaming. We'll also enlist the help of more organizers: people and
products that can de-clutter everything from our closets to our in-box,
leaving only what is manageable and not completely depressing.

Newly rested and happy, we will finally have time to read the paper again!

And by then we may even be out of Iraq.

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Nov 17, 2007

Gene Autry's Cowboy Code (from 1930)

Which I think is just about the best set of rules for living a good life that I ever seen:

1. The Cowboy must never shoot first, hit a smaller man or take an unfair advantage.

2. A Cowboy must never go back on his word, or a trust confided in him.

3. A Cowboy must always tell the truth.

4. A Cowboy must be gentle with children, the elderly and small animals.

5. A Cowboy must not adovcate or possess racially or religiously interolerant views and ideas.

6. A Cowboy must help people in distress.

7. A Cowboy must be a good worker.

8. A Cowboy must keep himself clean in thought, speech, action and personal habits.

9. A Cowboy must respect women, parents and his nations's views.

10. A Cowboy is a patriot.

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Nov 8, 2007

Tidal Wave up the English Channel!

What a odd Splash title on The Drudge

Who knew the England was susceptible to Tidal Waves, the last one hit in
1953, and was 10 foot high!

Hopefully, the preventive dikes hold and eastern England survives?

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Nov 2, 2007

Red Sox Win the World Series

Boston Red Sox win the
World Series 2007

I probably watched and enjoyed 70 Red Sox games over the course of this year.
As you probably know,
The Sox dominated early in the season, with a 14+ lead in the East Division standings .
Then they came back down to earth and the dreaded Yankees caught Fire and made me think a Major Choke was in the Making!
Right up to the final week of play.
Thankfully, the Red Sox peaked right at the Right time.
With guttsy pitching and timely hitting.
Cleveland was in control , they thought, to be beat back by the resourceful Sox hitting.
Then the Rockies were more or less an after-thought, to be sweep back to National League standards.
Thank You Red Sox for a Great Season of Baseball !!!