Apr 17, 2007

Virginia Tech Tragedy

Lives Lost
A tragedy so senseless it takes away rational thought.
All we can do is be Sad
Collectively we need to look at what kind of World we want to live in
Werther tragedy is happening in Virgina or Iraq
What is the value of
Lives Lost

Apr 15, 2007

Where is the Middle Class@ Now?

From "Daily Kos"

Economic Inequality..........


Have a look at the chart.

10% of the people in this country own 69.7% of total U.S. Wealth!

90% of American have to divvy up the 30% left.


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Bee for they are all Gone

The bees are taking a hit so we can have a Gab-a-thon.

First it was DWG [Driving While Gabbing].

Then the whole Texting thingy took hold.

I think Cell phones will be like tobacco,

tough to give up, no matter how much harm they do.

Are mobile phones wiping out our bees? - Independent Online Edition > Wildlife

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Apr 13, 2007

Vonnegut's Voice

I really wonder what gives us the right to wreck this poor planet of ours.

Laughter and tears are both responses to frustration and exhaustion. I myself prefer to laugh, since there is less cleaning up to do afterward.

Human beings are chimpanzees who get crazy drunk on power. By saying that our leaders are power-drunk chimpanzees, am I in danger of wrecking the morale of our soldiers fighting and dying in the Middle East? Their morale, like so many bodies, is already shot to pieces. They are being treated, as I never was, like toys a rich kid got for Christmas. (via Eddie C)

True terror is to wake up one morning and discover that your high school class is running the country.

There is a tragic flaw in our precious Constitution, and I don't know what can be done to fix it. This is it: Only nut cases want to be president.

Those who believe in telekinetics, raise my hand.

And my favorite:

I tell you, we are here on Earth to fart around, and don't let anybody tell you differen

Apr 12, 2007

National Priorities Project - Local Costs of the Iraq War

National Priorities Project - Local Costs of the Iraq War

Proposed Discretionary Budget, FY2007 Request

FYI from National Priorities website

Proposed Discretionary Budget, FY2007 Request
Thursday, 27 April 2006
The following pie chart illustrates the Bush Administration's proposal for federal discretionary spending in fiscal year 2007. The discretionary budget refers to the part of the federal budget proposed by the President, and debated and decided by Congress each year. This part of the budget constitutes more than one-third of total federal spending. The remainder of the federal budget is called 'mandatory spending.' Fiscal year 2007 runs from October 1, 2006 to September 30, 2007.

This chart includes only $50 billion in anticipated spending for the wars in Iraq or Afghanistan, which was what the Administration specified in the Fy2007 budget proposal. However, it is likely that the wars will cost between $100 - $125 billion for the fiscal year.


Apr 11, 2007

People in the News; Naomi Wolf

People on the News:

Naomi Wolf




Saw Naomi Wolf on MSNBC this morning.

She was very clear and honest speaker on the now raging issue of,

Racism,sexism,Men,Women and history.

I think MSNBC should seek her out to replace Imus the Blow-Hard.

I did check out the site,

Urban Dictionary

I must say I am out of the loop when it comes to how vile

"we" have  allowed our citizens to refer to one another with out protest.

A new baseline has to be drawn.

Women deserve better!

Weather it is a Women in Chicago, Sudan or Saudi Arabia.

Eyes have to be opened and changes must be forced.

The Womens Basketball team are displaying the Right Stuff.

Women should demand as much and nothing less granted.

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Apr 10, 2007

"nappy-headed hos"

The Rutgers female basketball players called "nappy-headed hos" by Don Imus are ready to voice their opinions on the remarks that led CBS Radio and MSNBC to suspend his morning talk show for two weeks.

Totally out of bounds, and totally typical of Imus at his crappiest.

I never liked Imus much.
Mostly his holier than thou attitude and the host of half-ass-ed guys he had on around and supporting him.
They all were lowest common denominator type agenda journalism.
Always forcing out a jib-jab to be sarcastic or cock radio humor by put-down, politics.

To hear Imus say today, that his show is basic comedy show took me back a little.
He has always made a point of making a political point.Pundit forced feeding Cable News.
So, now he says he is sorry, basically, you-all are taking me way to serious?

Sorry Imus, not only are you getting old.
Your shtick is too.
I hope the advertisers remove their support. The only thing that will get the show canceled.

Watch out Rosie is looking for a spot! MSNBC would be smart to look that way.

Apr 5, 2007

Capmmunisim=> Dead Pets

In the wake of the latest incidents of Guinea pig consumerism.

A circumstance in which, not only has the Pet Food Industry revealed itself as a irresponsible mega-corporation.

But, the ugly truth of 90 odd pet products, from premium to Wal-mart grade pet food get basically all the same ingredients.

Ingredients from the lowest common denominater. i.e. China .

Wheat field that have the lowest[if any] regulation or inspection.

All to generate the highest profit possible.

The End Justifies, The Means.

Sound familiar?

Capitalist / Communism => Capmmunism



Apr 4, 2007

You’re On Candid Camera



During a Hospital stay.

Should a patient or a child's parents have the right to put a nanny camera in the patients' room?

I think they should no matter what the hospital thinks about the rights of the Doctors and employees.

Should it be videoed secretly? Why not.

The people coming into the room are preforming a service.

Which is being paid for.

The hospital is responsible for the conduct of everyone that goes into that room.

Accountability, is the only thing that is being checked on.

And that is a good thing.

Get Use To It.

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Apr 1, 2007

Unforgettable Elephants Nature [PBS]

Wildlife cameraman Martyn Colbeck shares his insights and footage of African elephants that he has captured over a 15-year span.

An incredible show, elephants are such a great species.
The Earth Series last week and last night about Par ire Dogs and the loss of the Prairies was great also.
TV worth watching

Ann Coulter's Face on Toilet Paper

clipped from gigglesugar.com

GiggleSugar Exclusive! Product of the Day: Ann Coulter Toilet Paper

I think I speak for most people (no matter what their politics), when I say that Ann Coulter just needs to shut her pie hole. Her hate speech, poorly disguised as political commentary or "jokes," should get no more attention from mainstream media. C'mon now--Coulter's not serious enough to be a political commentator and not funny enough to be a comedian. Since it's unlikely she's going away as long as we take her seriously, I say we should stop talking back--and start wiping.

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