Dec 4, 2007

Copacetic Menial Labor


Be it bent over in a vast rice field planting, sowing,reaping a crop till you drop.
Be it confined to a 25 square foot cubicle, 17" monitor,phone, and a process that needs human input 24/7.
Or fighting a 25 MPH wind at 25 degrees, your feet in a cold wet trench, digging clams,all alone.
Possibly, fitting wing nuts for 25 years on an assembly line to the umpteen washer or dryer.
UPS-ers always take a right turn delivery. day in day out, never not a package to bring,ever.

Virtually all species heart's beat around a billion times before quiting, some beat faster for a shorter duration life-span.
Of the 6 billion folks on the planet, what if .001% [60,000]made a significant difference for 1%[60 million] of the planet.
What are the 99.99% of the bubble to take away, for their billion heart beats.

The inflationary financial cost of daily existence has and will increase decade to decade,relentlessly.

As a example,an item everyone buys, but do not need, say Coffee.
A 10 cent cup of coffee of the 50's, is now a Starbucks 5 bucks$.
What "they get" converts 70 years of what is a coffee worth,since most folks pay it,typically?
A 1950 10 cent coffee gets $5 now. Fifty times growth factor.

Convert that fifty times to wages then and now [1950].85/hr x 50=
$42.50 /hr.
Which should be the Aver Hourly Wage...Now.
Not quite the [2008], $7.25/hr it will be in two years,the Republican Congress finally opened it cold heart?


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