Jun 29, 2007
Jun 23, 2007
fi yuo cna raed tihs

fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too
Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can.
i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!
Jun 22, 2007

Or how to Re-liberate Iraq into total destruction, Iran take note.
Well, "The Surge" is Prime Time this Summer in Iraq.
After four years,the military is re-liberating the Iraqi people.
What fool decides to do anything during the hottest most oppressive time of year in the Middle East? With a report card due September?
Must have been some White House i.e. Turd Blossom, pushing politics over the military.
No wonder the Generals are revolting.
No BUsh but BuSh ....The DECIDER
cannot come soon enough,bUsHs' Last day...
3524 dead young men,and Counting....
Faces of the Dead in Iraq
5 years ,
1.2 Trillion dollars
The Cost are steep,
results are not going to be tangible.
All for 8 million gallons of gas /day.
We can not leave fast enough.
Gus the Newfy
Gus the Newfy

I have been looking for a canine companion for six months, since Maxzines' passing.
I have been put off by the so called shelters turned puppy transfer business. The shelters have got the idea they can charge $400 for a dog from some Caribbean Island with 20% pit bull infused in every single animal.
I think it is deceptive, euthanasia is not the answer, but puppy farms and shelters now have the same objective, profit, not good.
Just by chance, I stopped for coffee at the Village Market. I use to go there regularly, since they had the best coffee in town and they had a bench outside to sit in the morning sun and have a muffin and coffee and watch the town traffic cruise by. But, since last Fall I have gotten into roasting green coffee beans and have gotten spoiled from, That quality of coffee.
The owner was behind the counter and asked how I'd been. Somehow she asked if I had a dog yet? Would I be interested in another Newfy?
She knew of one that was being "givin up"....
I said sure I'd be interested, I had been doing daily searches on "the Internet" and informally looking around.
So this situation with the Newfy just fell in my lap.
Gus arrived 8:30am
He immediately seemed comfortable in his new surroundings.
He is personable, and non-threatening to everyone he has met so far.
[Sonja,John[guy looking @ Dodge,Denise].
He even took to Fiona, the Beagle well.
Took Gus for a ride in the Van.
Gus did not respond to "lets go for a ride".
He did climb into the open drivers door of the van while I waited on the other side with the sliding door open.
To be determined:
rabies shot paper work
call vet for check-up
get some food
fee ?
medical records
Water st connection
how many hours does he sleep during the day
tick & flea guard
Whoa it has been 10 days since Gus Entered Our World !
Gus has been quite happy to be around me.
He has separation anxiety, never wants to be alone.
Gus sleeps long and well. 8-10 hours a day.
He has no problem sleeping if I am close by, online or whatever.
Aurthur Stickney called a few days ago, said he was getting Gus's paperwork together[actually someone in NH was doing it].
Gus didn't cost anything,a plus, up front anyway.
+ Gus Pluses
well behaved around children
has good hips, moves very well, very fast dog, he can cover alot of territory in quick gait.
sleeps thru the night with out roaming in the house.
Sleeps in separate room no problem.
Holds his business,thru the night with ease.
He is a right hand dog, always wants to be right next to you, right in the middle of the action with no let up,breathing right in your face.
Gus will "SIT" on command
- Gus's Negatives
he wants to be "in your face" all to often, rather annoying at times.
doesn't know "NO" well at all
not well trained at all
attention span is all of 10 sec
may have some sort of breathing issue?
Snores very loudly.
Eats his food very fast, choking himself in the effort.
May 31,2007
Bought Gus a kiddie pool @ Walmarts $9.99 on sale
cannot find my mattress air pump, to pump me up....
Gus literally bounded over to see Sonja when she got home, kissed her hand, and sprinted back to the back door to tell me Sonja just got home.[ very humorous]
The Beef Bones Glenn bought for Gus, finally got some attention. Gus worked on one for a hour making a mess and getting as far into the marrow of the bone as his teeth and tongue could reach.[ I advised Glenn" don't buy anymore"]
The bones in the frig turned rancid, I had to throw them out...
Gus and I spent the majority of the day in the Van, taking Mom to Dr. appt.,running around for 6-7 hrs.
Madeline[ from the Village Market] came over to the Post office to greet me. She had heard that I took Gus and wanted to say congrats. Her newfy[ Gus's mom] is close to being "put-down". She is sad about that, but knows it is time.
June 4,2007
Sonja and I, along with Gus traveled to Marshfield, Ma.[12 miles down rte 139 off rte 3] to have breakfast w/ Glenn.
Very nice area, on the water, with lots of beaches and nice homes and eateries.
The breakfast was good but ultra-over priced[$50 breakfast for 3?]
Gus enjoyed the ride, and was a an easy rider.
Later in the day back in Hamilton @ Mom's house.
Gus met Riley and Eric/Carol for the first time. Gus doesn't stress out at all around kids at all. good to know.
He takes them in stride and lets them "hang" on his back.
June 11,2007
The Big "G" puked again this morning. Since I got up at 4 a.m. to take a undocumented pee, I had the pleasure of stepping in it, as I slept-walked to the toilet. After the Sun came up, I was able to inspect the contents of said puke. Carrots and hot dogs were quite apparent, along with Blue Seal Krunchies.
Damn, I did give Gus a bed time treat, little did I know I would be dancing in it before the sun came up...
On a paternal note, Gus got let out this morning,as usual, did his business[no need for play-by-play] and disappeared, not unusual.
I made myself breakfast, needing that first shot of java more than I needed to put on my shoes and chase down a canine.
Plus, it is sink or swim time for the Gus-ter. I do not want to tie him up, outside the door. He has to decide he wants to and knows how to come "Home".
He did come back 45 min later, proud of his adventure and return. Progress...
On my quest to be totally undermined by My Canine Obedience Training...
I set-up a wading pool, something all dogs have access to, in a World meant for Canine Bliss.
Dogs have really set them selves up, Right in their world.
Free Food regularly.
Rent Free, Roof over their Heads.
Able to Sniff areas I would get slapped silly for.
Nap When-Ever
Plus,Hang its' Head out of moving automobile with shit-eating grin, and not be embarrassed.
And to show that Canines have evolved to a much higher level....[possibly surpassing cats].
Training Humans to immediately pick up their hot poop with their hands.
God, I would love to slap every canine that grins at me on that one.[What do you think that tail Wag is all about]?
June 22
Well, the Gus-ters' fur is coming in as smooth as a fleece throw. I am reconsidering the white hair as maybe genetic rather than from age greying. Not that it matters. All Newfys I have seen have some white hair somewhere. Gus doesn't, which is the basis for my suspicions.
Have I had Buyers Remorse? Undoubtedly, I have thought what the [!@#$] did I do this for.
These thoughts are particularly evident during a peaceful evening of TV completely interrupted by continuous really [cough,gagging,hanging]smelly FARTS, care of the Gus-ter. I swear he has some cow gene hidden in his DNA.....
The kiddie pool is a non-starter. Gus is not interested in the least. In the trash.
Gus didn't win any points by putting bite marks in my Mom's cats' head last week. I really wish he hadn't done that.
Annie is no worse for wear, but the Gus-ter has been put on notice, and entering the Hamilton abode now includes segregation of Annie before Gus can join us.
I have been looking for a canine companion for six months, since Maxzines' passing.
I have been put off by the so called shelters turned puppy transfer business. The shelters have got the idea they can charge $400 for a dog from some Caribbean Island with 20% pit bull infused in every single animal.
I think it is deceptive, euthanasia is not the answer, but puppy farms and shelters now have the same objective, profit, not good.
Just by chance, I stopped for coffee at the Village Market. I use to go there regularly, since they had the best coffee in town and they had a bench outside to sit in the morning sun and have a muffin and coffee and watch the town traffic cruise by. But, since last Fall I have gotten into roasting green coffee beans and have gotten spoiled from, That quality of coffee.
The owner was behind the counter and asked how I'd been. Somehow she asked if I had a dog yet? Would I be interested in another Newfy?
She knew of one that was being "givin up"....
I said sure I'd be interested, I had been doing daily searches on "the Internet" and informally looking around.
So this situation with the Newfy just fell in my lap.
Gus arrived 8:30am
He immediately seemed comfortable in his new surroundings.
He is personable, and non-threatening to everyone he has met so far.
[Sonja,John[guy looking @ Dodge,Denise].
He even took to Fiona, the Beagle well.
Took Gus for a ride in the Van.
Gus did not respond to "lets go for a ride".
He did climb into the open drivers door of the van while I waited on the other side with the sliding door open.
To be determined:
rabies shot paper work
call vet for check-up
get some food
fee ?
medical records
Water st connection
how many hours does he sleep during the day
tick & flea guard
Whoa it has been 10 days since Gus Entered Our World !
Gus has been quite happy to be around me.
He has separation anxiety, never wants to be alone.
Gus sleeps long and well. 8-10 hours a day.
He has no problem sleeping if I am close by, online or whatever.
Aurthur Stickney called a few days ago, said he was getting Gus's paperwork together[actually someone in NH was doing it].
Gus didn't cost anything,a plus, up front anyway.
+ Gus Pluses
well behaved around children
has good hips, moves very well, very fast dog, he can cover alot of territory in quick gait.
sleeps thru the night with out roaming in the house.
Sleeps in separate room no problem.
Holds his business,thru the night with ease.
He is a right hand dog, always wants to be right next to you, right in the middle of the action with no let up,breathing right in your face.
Gus will "SIT" on command
- Gus's Negatives
he wants to be "in your face" all to often, rather annoying at times.
doesn't know "NO" well at all
not well trained at all
attention span is all of 10 sec
may have some sort of breathing issue?
Snores very loudly.
Eats his food very fast, choking himself in the effort.
May 31,2007
Bought Gus a kiddie pool @ Walmarts $9.99 on sale
cannot find my mattress air pump, to pump me up....
Gus literally bounded over to see Sonja when she got home, kissed her hand, and sprinted back to the back door to tell me Sonja just got home.[ very humorous]
The Beef Bones Glenn bought for Gus, finally got some attention. Gus worked on one for a hour making a mess and getting as far into the marrow of the bone as his teeth and tongue could reach.[ I advised Glenn" don't buy anymore"]
The bones in the frig turned rancid, I had to throw them out...
Gus and I spent the majority of the day in the Van, taking Mom to Dr. appt.,running around for 6-7 hrs.
Madeline[ from the Village Market] came over to the Post office to greet me. She had heard that I took Gus and wanted to say congrats. Her newfy[ Gus's mom] is close to being "put-down". She is sad about that, but knows it is time.
June 4,2007
Sonja and I, along with Gus traveled to Marshfield, Ma.[12 miles down rte 139 off rte 3] to have breakfast w/ Glenn.
Very nice area, on the water, with lots of beaches and nice homes and eateries.
The breakfast was good but ultra-over priced[$50 breakfast for 3?]
Gus enjoyed the ride, and was a an easy rider.
Later in the day back in Hamilton @ Mom's house.
Gus met Riley and Eric/Carol for the first time. Gus doesn't stress out at all around kids at all. good to know.
He takes them in stride and lets them "hang" on his back.
June 11,2007
The Big "G" puked again this morning. Since I got up at 4 a.m. to take a undocumented pee, I had the pleasure of stepping in it, as I slept-walked to the toilet. After the Sun came up, I was able to inspect the contents of said puke. Carrots and hot dogs were quite apparent, along with Blue Seal Krunchies.
Damn, I did give Gus a bed time treat, little did I know I would be dancing in it before the sun came up...
On a paternal note, Gus got let out this morning,as usual, did his business[no need for play-by-play] and disappeared, not unusual.
I made myself breakfast, needing that first shot of java more than I needed to put on my shoes and chase down a canine.
Plus, it is sink or swim time for the Gus-ter. I do not want to tie him up, outside the door. He has to decide he wants to and knows how to come "Home".
He did come back 45 min later, proud of his adventure and return. Progress...
On my quest to be totally undermined by My Canine Obedience Training...
I set-up a wading pool, something all dogs have access to, in a World meant for Canine Bliss.
Dogs have really set them selves up, Right in their world.
Free Food regularly.
Rent Free, Roof over their Heads.
Able to Sniff areas I would get slapped silly for.
Nap When-Ever
Plus,Hang its' Head out of moving automobile with shit-eating grin, and not be embarrassed.
And to show that Canines have evolved to a much higher level....[possibly surpassing cats].
Training Humans to immediately pick up their hot poop with their hands.
God, I would love to slap every canine that grins at me on that one.[What do you think that tail Wag is all about]?
June 22
Well, the Gus-ters' fur is coming in as smooth as a fleece throw. I am reconsidering the white hair as maybe genetic rather than from age greying. Not that it matters. All Newfys I have seen have some white hair somewhere. Gus doesn't, which is the basis for my suspicions.
Have I had Buyers Remorse? Undoubtedly, I have thought what the [!@#$] did I do this for.
These thoughts are particularly evident during a peaceful evening of TV completely interrupted by continuous really [cough,gagging,hanging]smelly FARTS, care of the Gus-ter. I swear he has some cow gene hidden in his DNA.....
The kiddie pool is a non-starter. Gus is not interested in the least. In the trash.
Gus didn't win any points by putting bite marks in my Mom's cats' head last week. I really wish he hadn't done that.
Annie is no worse for wear, but the Gus-ter has been put on notice, and entering the Hamilton abode now includes segregation of Annie before Gus can join us.
Jun 19, 2007
Jun 14, 2007
Jun 12, 2007
Piaggio MP3=> Summer Fun !!!
Jun 11, 2007
French Waffles
I had a Brain Storm 1st thing this morning.
Making Breakfast I was all set to make French Toast.
Then I glanced at my waffler and thought,
Why not put it in there. ??
My waffler has a clip that allows you to close and clip it shut.
This feature surpasses the problem of the crust of the bread holding the waffler open.
I used French Bread which fit nicely into the two bays of the waffler.
I hope you have this capability.
I dipped the bread and sprinkled cinnamon on the bread and popped it in the waffler.
After steam stops coming off the concoction, it is done.
The results was a fine waffled crust on the outside and a great custard inside.
It was a wonderful Breakfast and I am sure to try it again.
Give it a try.
Let me know how you like it?
Jun 9, 2007
Beyond the Brain, Secrets Unrevealed...
Up until recently, The Brain was the last "organ" that was truly mystifying to us as to what was going on,in there....
Not so much any more it seems.
Seems like its complexities are being reveled and manipulated.
Yes, we want to fix difficulties that manifest themselves in the Brain.
MRI scan it,magnify it and map it.
But, like Mother Earth, it is one thing to find out what,where,when how.
Quite another, to determine and change the WHY.
Caution should be the rule of the decade as we delve deeper into this organ that still holds alot of Secrets from us.
Not so much any more it seems.
Seems like its complexities are being reveled and manipulated.
Yes, we want to fix difficulties that manifest themselves in the Brain.
MRI scan it,magnify it and map it.
But, like Mother Earth, it is one thing to find out what,where,when how.
Quite another, to determine and change the WHY.
Caution should be the rule of the decade as we delve deeper into this organ that still holds alot of Secrets from us.
Check out Boston Dirt Dogs and 38 Pitches
Boston Dirt Dogs
This is new[to me] favorite site to keep up on the new 2007 Red Sox Season!
And while your at it Schillings Blog
Well worth the read if you call yourself a Baseball Fan
LOVE will see you thru
As a side note, I met the guy that created this 60's ICON. He is a non-descriptor kinda guy living it out in Down East Maine.He for the most part seemed to to be amazed that he made a living out of this one Icon of the 60's. Interesting how just one thing reached it's "Tipping Point" and sustained this guy for a life time.
Jun 7, 2007
There is No Free Market when it comes to Oil.....the 20% Solution....
On this Memorial Day, a day when American citizens express their thoughts and prayers
to the brave soldiers that give there lives to uphold a principle and obediently obey the people we elect,
regardless of rhyme or reason.
Let us put our thoughts also toward what and why our children are dying for.
As the cost of OIL that comes out of the ground stays constant ~ $10/barrel.
Whether it comes from the Arctic,Middle East, Mexico or the USA,
The Powers that Be, have continued to, on speculation, raised the price of OIL to ~$65/barrel.
How else can BIG OIL make extravagant historic quarterly profits?
The conflicts in the Middle East is, and that is a big IS, for the power to control OIL.
Mostly to maintain the status quo. Keep it in the hands of the people that are in power now.
The USA gets 20% of its Oil from the Middle East.
Guess how much OIL the country would save if the speed limit was dropped to 55MPH national and enforced....20%.
My solution to the Middle East quagmire.
Jobs,education,and taxation of all of the people of the Middle East.
A real dose of Democracy.
If the USA had a naval blockade at the Strait of Hormuz stopping and taxing every barrel of oil that's exported.
Say 20%...
Then that money turned over to the people of the region in micro-loans to start businesses, go to school,buy TVs.
The whole region will think more about their stable future and less about their after-life.
On this Memorial Day, a day when American citizens express their thoughts and prayers
to the brave soldiers that give there lives to uphold a principle and obediently obey the people we elect,
regardless of rhyme or reason.
Let us put our thoughts also toward what and why our children are dying for.
As the cost of OIL that comes out of the ground stays constant ~ $10/barrel.
Whether it comes from the Arctic,Middle East, Mexico or the USA,
The Powers that Be, have continued to, on speculation, raised the price of OIL to ~$65/barrel.
How else can BIG OIL make extravagant historic quarterly profits?
The conflicts in the Middle East is, and that is a big IS, for the power to control OIL.
Mostly to maintain the status quo. Keep it in the hands of the people that are in power now.
The USA gets 20% of its Oil from the Middle East.
Guess how much OIL the country would save if the speed limit was dropped to 55MPH national and enforced....20%.
My solution to the Middle East quagmire.
Jobs,education,and taxation of all of the people of the Middle East.
A real dose of Democracy.
If the USA had a naval blockade at the Strait of Hormuz stopping and taxing every barrel of oil that's exported.
Say 20%...
Then that money turned over to the people of the region in micro-loans to start businesses, go to school,buy TVs.
The whole region will think more about their stable future and less about their after-life.
Vail of Vitriol
As the slaughter and mayhem continues unabated on the streets of Baghdad and throughout Iraq.
The MBM [major broadcast media or major bowel movement] has turned its sights on lesser easily punditcated events.
Paris Hilton gets a PASS card to get out of JAIL.
Putin and Bush play"My missiles are bigger than your missiles.
The G8 summit has metastasized into a convoluted policy of deception and non-action,and missed opportunities.
The death toll passes 3500 young American lives lost. About the same as a small town.
If each death affects 1000 people directly,
3,500,000 folks,[1%] have personally felt the flailed jujitsu of the Bush Iraq War Performance.
The American Noosphere may have reached it's "Tipping Point"
Lame-Duck Bush continues to steer the ship toward the reef, wasting more lives,money, sticking to his "guns".
The Middle East, pancaked hatred, will continue to stack up, no syrup necessary.
So, as Gandhi said" First they laugh at you, then they ignore you, then they fight you, then they accept you.
Our American Idol v.s. Our American Soldier... which is it...
Time to put the Gloves on folks.
1/20/09 Bush's Last Day!!!
The MBM [major broadcast media or major bowel movement] has turned its sights on lesser easily punditcated events.
Paris Hilton gets a PASS card to get out of JAIL.
Putin and Bush play"My missiles are bigger than your missiles.
The G8 summit has metastasized into a convoluted policy of deception and non-action,and missed opportunities.
The death toll passes 3500 young American lives lost. About the same as a small town.
If each death affects 1000 people directly,
3,500,000 folks,[1%] have personally felt the flailed jujitsu of the Bush Iraq War Performance.
The American Noosphere may have reached it's "Tipping Point"
Lame-Duck Bush continues to steer the ship toward the reef, wasting more lives,money, sticking to his "guns".
The Middle East, pancaked hatred, will continue to stack up, no syrup necessary.
So, as Gandhi said" First they laugh at you, then they ignore you, then they fight you, then they accept you.
Our American Idol v.s. Our American Soldier... which is it...
Time to put the Gloves on folks.
1/20/09 Bush's Last Day!!!
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