Just to do a "Week in Review" I guess. Possibly to draw something from the week, just to see where the Time Goes?

Do Not know if this will be legible in blog or if it is just an image of my calendar?
As it turns out the image it legible when you click on it. Thats good but then I can not comment on it, as is, so in the future I will have to record all comments remotely and paste into post I suppose.
March 19=> 25th observations:
- Made enough French Toast to last a week or more?
- Picked Glenn up at Logan/ he had stories to tell.
- Coast Gard had to come rescue a crew mate.
- Almost Wiping out million dollar vessels going thru InterCoastal.
- Getting Blasted and putting 3 feet of fresh water in the tugboat.
- Watched a couple movies, watching DVD's during the day doesn't do much for me.
- Out and About all week.

March 12=> March 18 Observations
- On Tuesday it was 70* and two days later we had a Snow Storm, that dropped 13" of cement snow on us.
- Ate breakfast well all week.
- Had Sinus/Sleeping problems 1st of the week.
- Spent $50 on eating out.
- Could have bought alot of boiled dinners at home for the $30 I spent two days in a row.
- But St Pat's day is once a year...
- I got excited about seeing the Red Sox on TV again, but they are not on since Comcast took over Adelphia?
- Roasted Green Coffee outside on the deck.
- With the breeze and ambient temperature, I suspect the pan couldn't stay hot enough[300*].
- Although the coffee beans didn't "crack" like I wanted them to.
- The coffee in the morning taste fine.
- As usual, heavy TV time during the week 9pm-11pm
- Worked on a MindMap for "caribfish.com" website. Need feedback from GlennT
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